Wednesday, May 12, 2010

New Blogger Theme

Finally, I found the way to change my blog theme! It was "the dots" theme for almost 5 years now and when I recovered my access to this blog, it did not have the upload XML file tool. Maybe because this is a very old blog.

What I did was I went to Dashboard > Templates (apparently after my change, the Template tab became 'Layout'). There was an option to upgrade the template and I chose from the old set of templates. After that, the upload XML file form showed so here it is, my new cute template.

It's not personalized. But this is good enough. I needed a new look to completely "move on" to a new blogging life. Forget about the past and let the old posts become history (err.. drafts)

Friday, May 07, 2010

I'm Back!

After almost 3 years of account inactivity, I'm back! Finally, I recovered the email and password... woohooo!